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Shop Online Auctions Like a Pro

Get your virtual paddle ready and bid with confidence while shopping from the comfort of home.

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Shopping Facebook Marketplace

Designer Kimberly Biehl shares why and how you should be shopping this giant “online yard sale.”

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10 Commandments of Vintage Shopping

Our own Ki Nassauer shares her best strategies for avoiding those rookie mistakes.

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Shopping Estate Sales

Designer Kimberly Biehl shares how to find and shop these “garage sales on steroids.”

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Shopping Antiques Malls

Brent Heeb, owner of Stars Antiques Malls in Portland, Oregon, weighs in on what makes these unique places a buyer’s paradise.

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Let's Lingo

It pays to know some key shopping terms when you hit this season's flea markets and shows.

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Thrift Club

The Makerista is her name and thrifting is her (joinable) game.

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Hit Up a Junkyard

Editor Ki Nassauer spills the goods on how she finds treasures amid the trash.

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Shopping Round Top

You've plotted and planned, and now it's time to hunt and gather—and snack!—on your Round Top adventure.

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Planning for Round Top

If you've always wanted to visit the shows at Round Top, we've got the inside track on how to make it happen!

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Shopping Brimfield

America's oldest outdoor antiques show and flea market, Brimfield, is a bucket-list destination for treasure-hunters. We get the inside scoop from one of them.

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Shopping Springfield, Ohio's Extravaganza

Bargain hunter Melissa Parks shares her strategy for tackling a sprawling flea market.