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Playing Dress-Up

Discover savvy tips for buying vintage clothing, straight from a dealer’s mouth.

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Keeping It Real

Uber-cool designer, author and shop owner Sean Scherer dishes on creating 'authentic' spaces.

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Stain Master

Patric Richardson (aka the Laundry Evangelist) spills secrets for getting the yellow, yuck and stink out of vintage textiles.

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The Queen of Junk

With several books dedicated to the subject and another just released, author and Ralph Lauren exec Mary Randolph Carter is living proof that one man’s trash…

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Quilted Hope

A New Jersey artist creates quilts from wood salvaged from natural disasters.

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On The Mend

A needle and thread can save your favorite jeans—and the world!

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The Bold & The Beautiful

Enter the fabulous world of artist and designer Bari J. Ackerman and learn how to bring rooms to vibrant floral life.

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The Wabi-Sabi Way

How photographer and stylist Julie Pointer Adams of Kinfolk magazine learned to let go of perfection (and how you can, too).

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Cottage Charmer

A California designer and shop-owner takes on a labor of love: her own home.

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Life, Unstyled

Author and stylist Emily Henson sings the praises of homes that feel lived-in, and loved.

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Putting It Together

Celebrate the traditional arts of quilting and baking with recipes for each in Jen Kingwell’s best selling book.

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Style Guide : French Farmhouse

A combination of practical and pretty gives this look its je-ne-sais-quoi.