Turn sugar bowl lids into charming holders for vintage love notes and more.
A needle and thread can save your favorite jeans—and the world!
See what cast-off queen Ki Nassauer does with orphaned watch faces and other found bits.
Give pieces of lace and crochet—from doilies to place mats—a new use with these delightful ideas.
Create a feast for the eyes using a vintage mirror and edible greens.
Gather vintage goodies and some cool supplies and host a creative afternoon or evening with friends.
Makeup compacts and cigarette holders are so old-fashioned, right? Think again. We've got six useful ideas that'll change your life, or at least your pocketbook.
Try the layered look as a quick fix for cracked, chipped or damaged vintage mirrors.
These entertaining ideas will let you enjoy your finest hour yet as a party host.
You’ll go mad for these 12 cool DIYs using this hot patterned vintage favorite.
Press retired cookie cutters into fun new service.
In the hands of this creative mind, Christmas decorating has been given an intriguing twist defined by Gothic influences and foraged botanicals.