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Make & Do

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Contain Your Enthusiasm

Garden expert Larry Pfarr shares how to turn any vintage vessel into a container—and make the plantings thrive.

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Batter Up!

Vintage baseballs score big when reinvented as leather flowers. Frame as art, attach to a hat or tote bag, wear as a lapel corsage, or add a wire stem and fill a vase.

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See Things in a New Way

Give your decor a kick in the glass with these mirror projects. They're easy, creative, and will transform your junk into the fairest of them all.

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Personalized Pot Holders

Preserve handwritten recipe cards in a unique and usable way!

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Marching Orders

Old instruments and band gadgets snap into new formations in these makeovers.

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Suitcase Shelves

Stamp your passport with one-of-a-kind storage when you convert vintage suitcases into floating shelves.

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Hankie Swanky

Vintage handkerchiefs go from "achoo!" to a-dorable!

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Get a Grip

Press vintage wood clamps into new service to display artwork and collectibles.

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Second String

Get wound up in new ways to use old balls of string.

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Doughnuts Delight

Doughnuts are the new cupcakes, so make these old-fashioned favorites the guest of honor at your next get-together.

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A Display of Eggsellence

Put a new twist on an old kitchen gadget.

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Pocket Change

Cut and rip then glue and stitch men's vintage button-up shirts to fashion fun projects that are dressed for success.