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Make & Do

Lived-In Style
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Pretty Practical

Makeup compacts and cigarette holders are so old-fashioned, right? Think again. We've got six useful ideas that'll change your life, or at least your pocketbook.

Lived-In Style
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It's A Plaid, Plaid World

You’ll go mad for these 12 cool DIYs using this hot patterned vintage favorite.

Lived-In Style
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A Little Red, White & Blue

Wave hello to summer with a handheld flag display.

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A Cup Of Cheer

What’s better than hot chocolate? A hot chocolate party dished up in vintage style.

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Book Smart

Take a page—or a cover—from an old book and create something that tells a new story.

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FUN-nel Vision

Give 'em a flip and find a new function for old funnels.

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Stick It To ‘Em

Take plain-Jane plastic trays to the next level with funky fabric.

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Chop Shop

You'll got nuts for this clever way to use an old kitchen gadget.

Lived-In Style
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Slip & Slide

Since sharing travel photos is now usually a digital affair, give old projector parts a new job.