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Home Tours

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Georgia on Her Mind

A born-and-raised Southern artist rescues a historic 19th-century plantation house and restores its primitive glory.

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The Hollywood Picker

Step inside an inspired abode that's part natural history museum, part flea market, part art gallery—and all fun.

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Big Dreams in a Small Texas Town

Hometown boy returns to open a store and gets the ball rolling on a town revitalization in the process.

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Worn & Welcoming

A designer transforms a dark, dingy house into a light, bright and vintage-filled family home.

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Home Is Where the Memory Is

Author, designer and antiques dealer Kim Leggett shares her story about how to make a house a home.

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Great Lakes Expectations

A Sears kit home was the jumping-off point for this charming Lake Michigan cottage.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

A glorious riot of floral nostalgia, painted wood and original recycling, Maude Smith’s home is inspired by nature, the homes of artists and a waste-not-want-not ethos passed down through generations.

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Tour This Purr-fectly Fun Home

Vintage finds big and small are the life of the party in this LA apartment.

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Spanish Gem

Artistic talent and collected treasures return a California home to its 1930s splendor.

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Put It in Neutral

Breathing fresh vintage life into a 130-year-old farmhouse took a lot of vision—and even more white paint.

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An Artist's Retreat

A savvy designer strikes a delicate balance between saving and splurging to outfit a graceful, art-filled retreat.

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The Artist's Way Story

It's a lesson in celebrating life's quietly beautiful moments when a Dutch-English artist outfits her seaside home with all things well-loved.