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Good to Know

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Stain Master

Patric Richardson (aka the Laundry Evangelist) spills secrets for getting the yellow, yuck and stink out of vintage textiles.

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The Big Move

It takes more than muscle to get a heavy item home from a show. These items are our go-tos for securing and easing the load.

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How Old Are You?

Be a detective! With a little sleuthing, you can figure out when an item was made. And age may give you an indication of value.

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A Glass Of Its Own

The colors, shapes and details of vintage glassware make it stand out on any table. Here's how to shop and care for this fragile classic.

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Caring for Cutlery

Get vintage flatware adorned with pretty bone, Bakelite and horn handles in tip-top shape.

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What's in a Name?

Jadeite? Milk glass? Yellowware? You may be surprised to learn that these vintage collectables in “tried-and-true” hues sometimes take a detour as horses of a different color.

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Armchair Expert

Its shape may woo you from a distance, but up close that chair shows some serious flaws. Could it be a diamond in the rough? Upholstery pro Michelle Minner gives tips for sizing up a castoff.

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Raise a Glass

Vintage barware recalls the heyday of the cocktail era. Here are a few things to know about these statuesque stunners.

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Fit to Print

Start spreading the news! Wood type spells all-American vintage charm.

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Ready to Roll

Whether for show or use, wooden rolling pins are a sentimental favorite with many collectors.

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The Beauty of Breadboards

Vintage breadboards are having a moment. Here's why collectors love them, and tips for caring for them.

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Glass Class

There's nothing prettier than vintage glassware gracing a table. Here's how to make the most of the classic accessory.