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Style & Design

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Hook, Line & Sinker

A Wisconsin couple falls hard for an old fishing shack, moves it onto their property and reels in vintage treasures to turn it into a fun family retreat.

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It’s A Cool Crewel World

A nostalgic homeowner finds her happy place: a 1968 ranch filled with retro embroidery, midcentury pieces and splashes of sunny yellow.

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Opposites Attract—Lesson 1

Designer Sean Scherer of Kabinett & Kammer shares the first of 4 lessons on successful decorating with vintage and antique objects.

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A Garden of Treasures

A homeowner takes her vintage passions outside and creates special spaces for relaxing and planting.

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Vintage for Rent

A young entrepreneur gathers from the past to create a welcoming retreat in a quaint upstate New York town.

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Georgia on Her Mind

A born-and-raised Southern artist rescues a historic 19th-century plantation house and restores its primitive glory.

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The Next Wonderful Thing

A couple sells everything to set up a new life abroad.

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Big Dreams in a Small Texas Town

Hometown boy returns to open a store and gets the ball rolling on a town revitalization in the process.

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Style Guide: Cabin

Trade your cell phone for a compass and then point it in the direction of R&R when you adopt cabin style.

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Style Guide: French Country

Master the subtle secrets of French Country style from expert Fifi O'Neill.

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Worn & Welcoming

A designer transforms a dark, dingy house into a light, bright and vintage-filled family home.

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Home Is Where the Memory Is

Author, designer and antiques dealer Kim Leggett shares her story about how to make a house a home.