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Style & Design

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Finder, Keeper

When an interiors maven found a charming cottage to renovate and flip, she couldn’t have predicted she’d fall in love with the space and make it her own.

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Master of the Mix

Eclectic, global, bohemian. This Texas home is a happy mash-up of styles, patterns and treasures.

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Room to Grow

For two event planners, a century-old barn provides the perfect setting for raising their young family.

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Cottage Charmer

A California designer and shop-owner takes on a labor of love: her own home.

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Plate Expectations

Flip the script on stacked and stashed-away dishes when you make a statement wall crafted from pretty plates and trays.

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All There in Black and White

A sense of theatre, a talent for recognizing the beauty in juxtaposition and an enormous appreciation for history makes this vendor’s home a visual delight.

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Life, Unstyled

Author and stylist Emily Henson sings the praises of homes that feel lived-in, and loved.

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Christmas, Pure and Simple

Fresh greens and sparkly lights set a festive scene in a home that pays tribute to the past with vintage elements united by a snowy wash of white.

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Heart & Soul

An artsy couple go to town on an old brownstone, creating a cozy and eclectic home.

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Go Forth & Multiply

An Oregon dealer lives by the mantra: Why buy one antique when a collection of 10—or 100—is better?

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Joyful & Triumphant

Small spaces are no match for Melissa Parks’ big ideas when it comes to decking the halls of her 900-square-foot home.

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Natural Attraction

Go on a little scavenger hunt to round out your holiday decorating. Pinecones, branches and greenery are on the list!