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Style & Design

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The Numbers Game

Designer Kimberly Biehl shares her tried-and-true tips for getting it right with key decorating measurements that bring rooms into balance.

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Playing Dress-Up

Discover savvy tips for buying vintage clothing, straight from a dealer’s mouth.

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A Mod, Mod Makeover

This cool little get-away started life as a garage.

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Ms. Winter's House

Every room in this delightfully eccentric home pays tribute to a quirky Wes Anderson movie. Owner Dayna Winter tells how it came to be.

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Keeping It Real

Uber-cool designer, author and shop owner Sean Scherer dishes on creating 'authentic' spaces.

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Denim Evolution

Get to know the history of your basic blues in the this story devoted to the worldwide phenomenon that is denim.

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Grand Comeback

A vast Victorian gets a new lease on life, as do the found treasures that fill its rooms.

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Book Smarts

What have you done for your bookcase lately? Designer Kimberly Biehl shows how to spiff it up.

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Special Vintage

Graciously charming and elegant, yet without the slightest trace of pretension, this unique cottage is a masterclass in layered, vintage-inflected and resolutely irreverent style.

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The Queen of Junk

With several books dedicated to the subject and another just released, author and Ralph Lauren exec Mary Randolph Carter is living proof that one man’s trash…

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Always an Adventure

After traveling the world, a young family puts down roots and fills their townhouse with a fresh mix of finds.

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Under Cover

Invite onlookers through the looking glass when you place your favorite whatnots under a cloche.