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Top Dogs

They've earned their spot in history and our hearts, so it's no wonder we love to put dogs on display in our homes.

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Collector Close-Up: Mark Indursky

A collector turns his skill for unearthing and exhibiting vintage goodies into an inventive enterprise.

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An Appetite for Vintage Cookbooks

Although charming covers and wacky titles are reason enough to collect vintage cookbooks, the recipes inside are also true prizes, says one avid collector.

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Cheers to Helixophiles

Antiques expert, appraiser and auctioneer Tim Luke raises a glass to vintage corkscrews.

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Crazy for Glazed Pots

Houseplants have been riding a trendy high, but we're just as in love with giving them a colorful vintage pot to call home.

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Camp Blankets

Collectors still have a warm spot for these classic cover-ups with interesting patterns and colors.

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A Charmed Life in Miniature

Setting her sights on the styles of 19th-century European dollhouses, a former antiques dealer creates a spectacular world of small-scale wonders!

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Show Us Your Knockers

Once a gracious way for visitors to let you know they’d arrived, vintage knockers are now like jewelry for your front door and more.

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Out of the Ashes

Advertising ashtrays signal a graphic (and smoky) past.