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Just Her Type

Janine Vangool, the creative force behind UPPERCASE magazine, takes us on a nostalgic journey via her cool collection of typewriters.

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Fantastic Voyage

Get carried away with printed fabric suitcases from the '60s and '70s.

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Badges of Honor

Show where your passions lie—national parks, bowling, Raisinets— with these memorable spots to set a drink.

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Count on Cast Iron

Grandma’s favorite cookware is a sizzling-hot collectible these days. If you haven’t lucked into a hand-me-down, here’s how to snag and care for a castoff.

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Collector Close-Up: Soda Bottles

You'll flip your lid when you take a nostalgic tour of Jim Healy's amazing vintage bottle and cap line-up.

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Travel Pennants

Take a cruise down memory lane when you collect banners that recall America's road-tripping history.

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Been There, Got That

Part kitsch, part Americana and all fun, souvenir plates make conversation-starting collectibles.

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Prints Charming

In her book, Feed Sacks: The Colorful History of a Frugal Fabric, author Linzee Kull McCray celebrates these workaday works of art.

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Sprinkles in Time

Antique and vintage hose nozzles make cool collectibles that invite a little handling.

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Collector Close-Up: Flower Frogs

After picking up a prize find at a flea market years ago, Bonnie Bull’s interest in flower frogs grew in leaps and bounds.

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Let's Grill, Daddy-O

Invite the neighbors over, and party like it's the 1950s—glory years for the backyard barbecue.

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The Real McCoy

When you shop vintage sources, life really is like a box of chocolates.