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Raise a Glass

Vintage barware recalls the heyday of the cocktail era. Here are a few things to know about these statuesque stunners.

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Can-Do Art

Star-and flower-shaped wall hangings crafted from old tin cans are popping up at shows.

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Fit to Print

Start spreading the news! Wood type spells all-American vintage charm.

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Collector Close-Up: One of Everything

Staying organized allows hunter, gatherer and seller Jim Counce to indulge his natural curiosity.

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Ready to Roll

Whether for show or use, wooden rolling pins are a sentimental favorite with many collectors.

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Aluminum Trees

Get the lowdown on the rise and shine of these midcentury sensations.

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A Collector's Holiday Magic

What inspires collector extraordinaire Jesse Lauzon during the holidays? Let us count the things...

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Bottle Brush Trees

Here's the backstory on these classic trees that collectors snap up by the dozens.

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Pie & the Sky

Ceramic blackbirds come down to earth as cute, collectible baking gadgets.

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Yesterday's News

They advertised everything from movies to politicians, and today, those same vintage posters are coveted, often expensive works of art. Reproductions offer a slice of history at an affordable price.

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That's Sew Cool!

A vintage textile collector turns swell old fabric into hip new home goods and children’s wear.

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Long Live Vinyl

There’s nothing like the richness and depth—and pops and scratches—of vinyl records. Here’s how to score some to start a collection of your own.