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Slow-Simmer Layering

Slow-Simmer Layering

Our resident design guru Kimberly Biehl Boaz shares insight on building a collection and giving a room character.

Lived-In Style

I thought I would share my thoughts on a question I'm often asked as an interior designer: How do I build a collection for my home?

My simple answer to that is: I don't rush. I call my process slow-simmer layering. That means building a collection over time. Think of it like Grandma’s spaghetti sauce: The longer it simmers, the better it tastes! Taking your time allows you to create interesting layers. Those layers add depth. They make a home feel lived-in and warm, and they show a lot about your personality. Plus, they're good conversation starters!

Hollywood style living room with portrait wall.
ABOVE: "One of my favorite things to collect are my 'kooks'—random portraits of odd and unusual people," Kimberly says. A portion of her 30-year-strong collection lives on a wall in her living room. Photo: Edmund Barr
"A well-curated and thoughtful collection can make you happy every time you walk into the room. Every single piece in your home should make you feel good." —Kimberly Biehl Boaz
Guitar collection displayed on wall.
ABOVE: Hanging musical instruments on the wall not only looks good, it's space-saving storage, Kimberly says. "My husband is a musician—clearly," she says. Photo: Kimberly Biehl Boaz

Now, let's get down to specifics. First, collecting can be anything: vintage art, guitars, antique hats, books, old hotel silver. There are endless possibilities! Pinpoint what you're drawn to—what you love—and start building a collection around that. For some, that will be easy to figure out; for others, not so much. I suggest pulling images you like into Pinterest. You will start to notice themes (maybe even tucked away in the background) that draw you to these photos. This is a good place to start! Do McCoy vases filled with large branches catch your eye? Does vintage barware make you happy? Maybe framed portraits in old gold frames have you thinking about a gallery wall. Or perhaps you've always loved the quirkiness of hand-painted vintage portraits of people you've never even met. Just go with whatever speaks to you.

Collections of vintage busts displayed on chest.
ABOVE: "This might be the slowest-simmer collection in my house," Kimberly says of this grouping of busts. "There is zero strategy. My husband and I simply have to mutually agree on each one." They like a mix of styles, shapes and forms. Kimberly's favorite is the wood one in front; her dad carved it when she was about 9 years old. Photo: Kimberly Biehl Boaz

Because most of us are spending more time than ever in our homes these days, now is an ideal time to peruse websites like Etsy and eBay to find a treasure or two to start building a collection. These sites are fantastic friends and tools for collectors. They offer a million options at reasonable prices—and if you look hard enough, you'll find great bargains. I would also suggest following like-minded design people on Instagram, which is also a really good place for ideas.

Vintage barware displayed on antique bar.
ABOVE: Glass barware is one of Kimberly's functional collections. She finds vintage and antique decanters for $10 to $20. "Wonderful at a party or as display," she says. Photo: Edmund Barr
Book and collectibles on shelf unit.
ABOVE: Family photos make an impact grouped from floor to ceiling on a small wall rather than spread out throughout the house. "I collected different vintage frames to give it an interesting, layered look," Kimberly says. "I like it when everything doesn’t match." Photo: Edmund Barr

Shopping flea markets, estate sales and garage sales is a bit slower during the winter. Now is a great time to rethink your rooms and start planning. Use this time to figure out what you love and how you can make your house even more of a home. But, remember, there's no rush. Let it simmer!

WORDS Kimberly Biehl Boaz

Kimberly Biehl Boaz is a Los Angeles interior designer and longtime treasure hunter. Her Design Dig columns appears periodically on Lived-In Style.