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Ki Nassauer's magazine features cool homes, fun projects, collecting know-how & more.
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Collector Close-Up: Roadside Pottery

Take a virtual tour of Daniel Mathis's amazing assembly of colorful pottery.

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Always an Adventure

After traveling the world, a young family puts down roots and fills their townhouse with a fresh mix of finds.

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Under Cover

Invite onlookers through the looking glass when you place your favorite whatnots under a cloche.

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Winner's Circles

Wreaths easily made from vintage treasures earn top honors for creativity.

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Kitsch Me if You Can

Retro-design devotee Kelly Perry lets her love of exuberant color, vintage Western, and fake fireplaces shine forth in her 1950s Tennessee Ranch.

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The Big Move

It takes more than muscle to get a heavy item home from a show. These items are our go-tos for securing and easing the load.

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A Barn is Reborn

Old and new mingle in harmony when buildings on a working dairy farm are converted into a rustic modern retreat thanks to its owner's quirky vision.

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Slow-Simmer Layering

Our resident design guru Kimberly Biehl Boaz shares insight on building a collection and giving a room character.

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Their Time to Shine

A new generation gets turned on to quirky, offbeat vintage lamps that prove beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Bring one home today.

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Collector Close-Up: Pyrex

Dish out a healthy serving of sentimentality when you start collecting this classic American glassware.

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That Takes the Cake

When it comes to a special event, cake toppers are meant to signal a happy ending.

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Ivy League

Turn a vintage rug beater into a darling trellis simply by pushing its handle into the dirt.