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March Newsletter

March Newsletter

Memory Lane, Slow Simmer Layering, Mary Randolph Carter, & Tonka Toys

Lived-In Style


MEMORY LANE. In my quest to shrink what I store and to simplify my life, I recently sorted 3 enormous tubs holding a lifetime of photos I have lugged with me over the years. It was a huge project that required stamina, patience and focus. Thousands of photos equal thousands of memories. I divided them into categories: Life before kids—kids—junking—friends—family and pets. I filled several yard-size trash bags of duplicates, fuzzy images and unrecognizable subjects. I distributed photos to each of my kids for their children to snicker at. A few movie reels and special photos were sent out to be digitized. When the sorting was finished,  I created a memory book for our Junk Bonanza team reunion in Palm Springs later this month.

I wasn’t prepared for the storm of emotions that swept me up during this project and was surprised by how much I had forgotten. I laughed, I cried and I was reminded how fortunate I am, for so many reasons.

Cheers to sweet memories and to all things vintage.


Photo Above: Shining our riding boots.

SLOW SIMMER LAYERING. Our resident design guru Kimberly Biehl Boaz shares insight on building a collection and giving a room character. Think of it like Grandma’s spaghetti sauce: The longer it simmers, the better it tastes! Read More

A BOOK YOU'LL LOVE! Mary Randolph Carter’s new book, LIVE WITH THE THINGS YOU LOVE…and you'll live happily ever after, is on shelves! Carter’s book indulges our desire to surround ourselves with belongings that impart beauty and meaning to our lives. Whether it’s a collection of pedigreed antiques, a set of memorable paperbacks from our childhood or a distinctive teapot gifted to us by a friend, this book is a tribute to valuing and making artful interiors with our treasures.  Buy Now.

Check out our interview with Carter about her love for vintage. Follow her travels on Instagram @carterjunk 

TONKA TERRIFIC. In 1947, the first Tonka brand toy trucks were designed and manufactured by the Mound Metalcraft Co., a business then located in a small schoolhouse basement near Lake Minnetonka in Mound, MN, that specialized in manufacturing garden tools. Tonka built more than 176 million toys in its Mound plants between 1946 and 1983. Watch this video of the Tonka Toys factory filmed in 1975. Roundhouse Rodney, a local TV personality in the 1970s, narrates this tour that shows construction of a Tonka Mighty Dump. As a Minnesota native, I hold a special place in my heart for Tonka trucks and Roundhouse Rodney.

Visit an online museum website and ID guide with thousands of photos documenting the history of Tonka Toys from 1948 until the late '60s.